Haz el Reto de 30 Días de Minimalismo
30 Day Challenge to becoming a minimalist

Familiar with minimalism? If you’ve ever had that feeling that you want to hit reset on your home because you see a lot of things but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry! At Sevilla GreenSuites we’ll clarify exactly what it means to be a minimalist and get you started on a 30 Day Challenge to be more minimalistic so that you can get rid of everything that is no longer useful or worth keeping anymore. Make your house and your mind clutter free. 

You may have started occasionally cleaning house, perhaps in a drawer or a closet, but those are still small advances. Minimalism in general tends to focus on a change in mentality that starts with freeing up space and discarding unnecessary objects in our lives. That being said, it is clear that this is not a change that can take place overnight, but rather a long process that can take weeks or even months to complete. But, if you feel the need to become more minimalistic, read on!

Get rid of things 

The dynamic of this challenge is simple, because you just have to know what day of the month you are on and, from there, get rid of the same number of things that the number marks. If you start on the first day of the month, get rid of one thing, following on the second day, you get rid of two things… and so on until you reach the 30th day of the month. A quick calculation shows that if you manage to complete this challenge, you will have managed to get rid of 465 things in a single month. It sounds incredible but it’s true! Ready to try it? 

When you seriously consider completing this challenge, you’ll be wondering, but which things? Well, when it comes to “stuff”, The Minimalists’ flagship blog that launches this challenge refers to a series of common objects in an average house that to be reviewed and assessed if we want to keep them. When analysing one of these “things” it is important to consider whether this object is useful or has sentimental added value, if it has become something you do not use or want, donate it to other people or a non-profit organization to give it a second life or you can throw it away because you no longer find it useful. 

If you still need a tangible guide to start becoming a minimalist, here’s a list of items you can check out during the 30-day challenge, or every few days if you’re planning to follow a minimalist lifestyle from now on: 

  • Clothes stored in the closet that you haven’t used in a long time 
  • Videogames for consoles you no longer have at home
  • Books you read in the past that no longer fit your tastes or beliefs
  • Kitchen utensils you bought but never used
  • Cassettes or VHS that you can’t hear or see because you don’t have a player

Compete with a family member or friend 

Turning this challenge into a competition is a great way to make you feel more motivated to complete the full 30 days if you are still not very convinced but you know that your home and especially your peace of mind could use a thorough cleaning of objects that are already useless. Compete with a family member or friend! It might be the solution to your apprehension to get rid of things and not only will you want to finish the challenge but you might also want to win that unwritten competition you agreed with your family or your friend. 

In any case, however you choose to motivate yourself, the 30 Day Minimalist Challenge seeks to plant a small seed of consciousness in everyone who tries it to make us see that, we often keep too many objects in our homes that we no longer want or need. So, if you are thinking that you should start, don’t hesitate any longer and get to work, you will be very grateful for the result!

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